I am only one person and can only cover so much everyday. I do my best I have a life and work, do not sit and live off peoples donations like some others I will not name but that is beside the point. All donations are stored for site domain payments which is per year the rest is stored until the amount of one year purchase of a VPS or Dedicated server can be achieved, this site is resource intensive hosting videos, mp3s, and pdfs. I need help covering EU hate crimes, the Jew stuff well I will post that to keep anyone out of legal issues in Europe since I am in the USA. Need to heavily cover South Africa Genocide against our Boer brothers and sisters, I already have one person in line to help just not been able to get around due to limited time and family health issues. If you are also in the USA you can help to on Hate-Crimes and the other subjects we cover the Jew is always #1 please fell free to contact. I can offer you nothing but the chance to help change this position we face educating our people, this [...]