Just logged in to facebook 2nd page only been up about 2 months gone now for Disabled – Harassment Your account has been disabled for violating Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. funny New page is here more backups are being created this is what happens when you tell people the truth of the Jews, the Jewish Hate machines kick in to remove the truth. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Unity-of-Nobility/606808036043644 TAKE NOTE: Most likely I am just going to set up a front page community for Unity of Nobility and no news will be posted there basically a description of the site and community information and you can follow it and will have to post news from here on site. Not many options left getting axed this fast just shows how much information here is truthful and how they work so hard to bring it down. Been through this for years and lost 100′s of jewtube channels, been perm. banned from vimeo and other sites in years before opening this site up. On the site speed issues our hoster had a huge migration to newer software almost all servers were affected the hardware is not taking kindly to each other and [...]